Last Updated on 26 Mar 2022 by SEO Manager
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Your Local Website Developer!
Should You Develop a New Website ?
- Total custom solution depends on kind of website / content / etc.
- Your site should be visually appealing.
- Your website should be cross platform compatible. It should be designed and delivered on desktop, tablet and smartphone. The old buzz word of cross browser is ancient history. Gone are the days when you worried about Explorer, Safari or Chrome. Now it is all about smart phones, mobile devices, desktops and tablets!
- Keep page size small to ensure speed and performance.
- Site’s content should reflects its purpose. We want to make sure that your visitors can easily find what they are looking for. We keep that in mind and develop content.
- Keep content relevant up-to-date.
- Get visitors to interact with your website so that spend more time absorbing your content.
- Retain the visitor (your customer or client) with the opportunity to contact you via forms, a call-me facility, email, web chat, etc. Ask for their feedback via online surveys and feedback forms. Invite them to subscribe to a customer newsletter.
- We create a web site that is as unique to your produce or service and your company.
- We get to know your customers, clients or visitors. The purpose of your web presence.
- We listen to you through your feedback and ideas and create the web site you want – just not any web site.
- Most importantly, we work within your budget.
How do I Get Reviews ?
- Your Local SEM will create a review page on your site that links to your local listing on the most popular review sites, like Google Maps, Yelp and Foursquare. It gives your customers a single, easy place to go to tell the public how much they love you.
What about Analytics and Reporting?
- We provide comprehensive reporting on your local presence, search related clicks, user reviews and clicks on maps.
- We analyze each form of interaction so that we can develop better outcome for your search engine marketing.
What about My Current / Existing Website Design and Layout ? 
- We will advise you on how the current website can be shown properly on mobile, desktop and tablet devices.
- We will help structure your website for easier navigation and faster access / page load speeds.
- Is your copyright page out of date?
- Do you have privacy page clearly spelled out?
- Do you have terms and conditions page?
- Do you offer email forms for someone to contact you off-line?
What about Persuasive Content? Do You have a Wordsmith?
Fact: Readers on the Web are Impatient
- Lest face it, we live in the mobile age. We are in a rush to get the information we want, and then move on fast.
- We do have the patience for irrelevant facts or complicated text.
- We do not enjoy scrolling through gobs of text.
- If the website does not deliver the content we are expecting, we move to another site.
- Therefore, gaining user attention and retention is a challenge.
- You have only 10 seconds to their grab attention.
- You have only 55 seconds for their retention.
- We will help or provide guidance for new content, copy writing including freshening the current content with quality and selective editing. We will help improve your website’s content to make it more informative and persuasive, converting more visitors into business.
What are Website Conversions?
Let’s face it, the Only Reason to have a Website is to have Conversions!
And by website conversion, it can be as simple as someone looking you up for information to someone actually getting persuaded to do business with you. Andy why would anyone want to do business with you if you do not have compelling or authoritative story to tell?
So, what do you need to have in order to do website conversions?
- Set Yourself Apart.
- Make Your Slogan Your Own and Make it Work for You!
- Educate Your Visitor and Add Value to Their Time when They visit Your Website.
- Have a Clear Satisfaction Policy. Offer money back or satisfaction on your products.
- Don’t Waste Time. There is no need to have too many winding verbose pages to persuade visitors.
- Have Truth in Advertising with Clarity, Openness and Honesty. People like to do business with those who are able to present their message that is clear, honest and open.
What is Rich Media and How Does it Help?
Fact: Rich Media Moves People to Act.
- Think Youtube videos, Infographics, action graphics and audio podcasts. This is the basic definition of rich media.
- Studies and tests highlight viewers’ preference for strong visuals and fast-acting animations.
- Focus on the rich media makes viewers exceptionally responsive.
- They spend more time on the advertising area.
- They notice key elements including the brand, product and click button.
- Additional findings showed 100% noticed the rich media ads, 70% of viewers recall the ads and 65% take action to click on it.
So, what are you doing today?
Act Now. Call us Today.
We will provide you FREE and no obligation quote for your needs. Our experienced team knows how to take your needs into account and deliver to you a marketing program that turns potential visitors into business!
By phone: 855-515-5544 or Contact us 24/7 online
Published on: Apr 15, 2012 @ 01:53