Why Have My Google Reviews Disappeared?

Why Have My Google Reviews Disappeared?

Losing Google reviews can be frustrating, especially when they reflect the hard-earned reputation of your business. There are several reasons why you might suddenly find yourself short of a few reviews. Understanding these reasons can help you address the issue and possibly prevent it from happening again in the future.

1. Violation of Google’s Review Policies

Google has strict guidelines to ensure reviews are helpful, honest, and relevant. Reviews can be removed if they:

  • Contain offensive language or hate speech.
  • Include irrelevant content that doesn’t pertain to the business.
  • Promote illegal activities or explicit content.

If any of your reviews violate these guidelines, Google might remove them. It’s essential to encourage customers to write honest and policy-compliant reviews.

2. Fake or Solicited Reviews

Google is diligent about maintaining the integrity of its review system. If a review appears to be fake or improperly solicited, it will likely be removed. This includes:

  • Reviews written by people who haven’t used your service or product.
  • Reviews obtained through incentives or payments.
  • Multiple reviews from the same IP address.

Encouraging genuine feedback from actual customers is crucial to maintaining your reviews on Google.

3. Issues with Reviewer Accounts

Sometimes, the problem isn’t with the review itself but with the reviewer’s account. Reviews can disappear if:

  • The account is flagged as fake or suspicious.
  • The account violates Google’s terms of service.
  • The user deletes their own review.

Maintaining a high standard of service will encourage real customers to leave reviews from their legitimate accounts.

4. Technical Glitches or Errors

Google’s systems aren’t infallible. Occasionally, reviews might vanish due to:

  • Bugs in Google’s software.
  • Server issues or maintenance activities.
  • System updates causing temporary discrepancies.

While these situations are less common, they can still occur. Monitoring your reviews regularly can help you spot and report these issues to Google promptly.

5. User-Initiated Deletion

Reviewers have the ability to delete or edit their reviews at any time. Reasons for this can include:

  • Change of opinion about the service or product.
  • Desire to update their feedback.
  • Mistakenly posting the review to the wrong business.

Encouraging open communication with your customers can help prevent misunderstandings that lead to deleted reviews.

6. Changes in Business Details

If you have recently changed your business name, location, or contact details, some reviews might not transition smoothly. Google tries to maintain continuity, but discrepancies can occur during such changes.

What to Do if You Lose Reviews

If you notice that several reviews have disappeared, here are some steps you can take:

  • Check Google My Business Notifications: Google often provides information about removed reviews.
  • Review Google’s Policies: Ensure you understand and comply with all guidelines.
  • Contact Google Support: Reach out to Google for detailed insights and support.
  • Encourage New Reviews: Politely ask satisfied customers to leave new reviews.

Maintaining a proactive approach to your Google reviews can help preserve your online reputation and address issues promptly. Regularly engage with your reviewers, thank them for their feedback, and take corrective actions based on their comments. This not only helps in building trust but also enhances the overall customer experience.

Beware of the Google Maps Pin Scam!

Beware of the Google Maps Pin Scam!

There’s a sneaky scam targeting businesses on Google Maps and Google Business Profile (GBP). Here’s how it works and how to protect yourself:

The Scam:

  • Competitors can move your business pin on Google Maps to a wrong location. They do this through the “Suggest an edit” feature on your GBP listing.
  • This hurts your ranking. Since Google thinks your business isn’t where it claims to be, your search ranking drops, making it harder for customers to find you.

Why it’s tricky:

  • Google doesn’t tell you when your pin is moved. You might not even know there’s a problem until you see fewer customers or a drop in ranking.

Don’t fix it yourself (yet):

  • Trying to fix the pin location directly through your GBP account can get your profile suspended.

How to fix it safely:

  1. Log in to Google with a different email address (not the one linked to your GBP).
  2. Search for your business on Google Maps.
  3. Click “Suggest an edit” on your business listing.
  4. Choose “Change Name or other details” then “Edit map location.”
  5. Drag the pin to the correct location and click “Save.”

Stay vigilant:

By following these steps, you can protect your business listing from this scam and maintain your search ranking.

November 2021 Shouts

Random November 2021 Shouts to Keep You Sharp !


  • More than two-thirds of respondents perceived at least 50% their Google searches to be local, with very minor differences among countries.
  • And 37% said that at least 70% of their search activity was local. So there’s a fair-sized contingent of very heavy local search users.  
  • This isn’t a behavioral calculation; it’s self-reported data. But it’s a strong indicator that much (or most) of what people search for online is local.
  • This month’s global insights show a world slowly returning to normal, with an increase in searches centered on holiday activities. 
  • Make the most of marketing budgets and engage with new consumer groups.
  • Google announces more exposure and support for local news.
  • New local shopping features for Google Maps (e.g., restaurant prices).
  • Survey: 63% of SMBs “satisfied” with social media marketing.
  • Rethink omnichannel strategies and capitalize on opportunities in CTV and Addressable.
  • With millions of visitors a day, YouTube presents numerous opportunities to enhance the traditional shopping journey.
  • Incorporate first-party data supplemented by second- and third-party data.
  • Despite years of omnichannel rhetoric, most analysts and pundits still treat e-commerce and local retail sales as completely separate
  • Multiple retailers in the US and Europe have shuttered stores, seeking to reduce overhead, in favor of anticipated e-commerce sales booms
  • But those sales expectations may – or likely will – be frustrated because of the way in which stores enable consumers to buy online with confidence
  • In order to succeed now, SMBs must improve their online visibility/discoverability and make it easy for consumers to do business with them. GBP completeness is an absolute must
  • Google PageSpeed Insights update is now live
  • Samsung grows global smartwatch market share (despite mediocrity).
  • The outlook among SMBs directly corresponds to business size: the smallest SMBs are most pessimistic, the largest more optimistic.
  • Build direct relationships with your customers.
  • Ensure your measurement remains accurate and actionable.
  • Drive performance by keeping your ads relevant.
  • DuckDuckGo building new app-tracking prevention for Android.
  • Apple games own App Store reviews for its podcast app.
  • Viable smart glasses are definitely coming – eventually.
  • Pew: 44% of Americans w/o kids (under 50) don’t plan to have them.
  • 47% of Consumers Will Turn to Smartphones for Holiday Shopping
  • Facebook Offers Insights on Emerging Shopping Behaviors
  • Taylor Swift has shattered records and grabbed headlines with re-recorded hits on her “Red” album. Watch the 10-minute Short Film of her most revealing and deeply personal hit, “All Too Well.”
  • Multiple Google Maps Updates in Time for the Holidays
  • Twitter, Search Engine Land Dropping AMP
  • The November 2021 Core Update Is Live
  • Snapchat Adds “Layers” to Snap Map
  • Committing to a hiring strategy that seeks out a wide range of experiences and cultural understanding ensures your company will have its finger on the pulse of customer needs. But diverse perspectives won’t help if you don’t build a culture in which people are encouraged to share.
  • With more than a quarter of the US population living with a disability, it should go without saying that your business website should be accessible. 
  • Looks like folks are getting their holiday shopping done early, suggested by a spike in Contact Growth across industries, especially consumer goods
  • Ad Spend is up 48% after dipping in September, however this recovery was not displayed by large companies
  • Creating campaigns that resonate in the crowded personal care market can be a tall order. 
  • Sales Calls hit an all time high – a pattern we also observed last year – which leads us to predict a drop in November and December
  • The importance of bringing order to your marketing operations processes


  • In the smart speaker/display market, as of June 2021, Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) estimated that Amazon controls 69% of the market, Google has 25%, Apple has 5% and Facebook has 1% (cumulative sales)
  • Google, Facebook, Amazon control 64% of digital ad spending
  • What consumers are expecting from their preferred brands
  • Methods to win and nurture the trust of your consumers
  • Best practices of collecting and using first-party data as third-party cookies fade away
  • The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) Board approved the creation of the Main Street Micro Business Loan, which will provide financing of up to $50,000 to eligible micro-businesses in New Jersey with ten or fewer full-time employees
  • Never post typos again with Undo Tweet. Set a customizable timer of up to 60 seconds to preview, undo, and make changes to your Tweet, reply, thread, or Quote Tweet before it posts to your timeline
  • Amazon released the first generation Echo (feat. Alexa) in November 2014. It’s now seven years old
  • Most of Facebook’s 21 acquisitions since 2018 in gaming and VR
  • New FB shopping features: Group shops, products recs, live shopping
  • Amazon opens 35K sq-ft. cashier-less grocery store in Illinois
  • Google Earth Engine: A powerful “contribution to climate science.”
  • Gathering data isn’t enough. Measurement unlocks success
  • Digital transformation is a journey, and each brand will navigate it in its own way
  • Drive conversions with Performance Max campaigns
  • There’s been growth in searches related to new jobs
  • From people to platforms to governments, concern about online privacy is growing


  • Google has now new tools for publishers to activate first-party data
  • Another search engine has launched: You.com. It appeared in public beta
  • Yelp has introduced a new scrollable homepage feed featuring local restaurants
  • Professional Profiles are a new tool on Twitter that will enable your business to have a unique and clearly defined presence on the platform
  • 2021 has been a year of high expectations and unprecedented developments in digital marketing
  • The EU’s General Court in Luxembourg has upheld antitrust regulators’ nearly $3 billion fine from 2017, involving Google Shopping search
  • SMBs losing supply chain war to Amazon, Walmart (WaPo)
  • Apple launches “Business Essentials” device management for SMBs
  • NRF predicts ~10.5% holiday sales growth this year, online up to 15%
  • Facebook kills some interest, identity ad-targeting (NYT)
  • SMS marketing boosts revenue for local restaurants


  • Holiday shopping is starting earlier
Calendar inside circle graph: 31% of U.S. consumers started their holiday shopping in June.
  • Expected scarcity due to supply-chain challenges
Shopping bags inside circle graph: 47% of U.S. consumers expect COVID-19 to impact how they shop this holiday season.
Wrapped gifts inside circle graph: 60% of U.S. consumers who are planning to shop for the holidays say they will shop more at local small businesses.
  • How to avoid duplicate content issues with unique local landing pages for multi-location businesses
  • Why citations still play an important role
  • The importance of competitor research
  • The challenges of managing Google Business Profile at scale
  • Email marketing is essential to any industry and doing a routine clean up can be beneficial to your company’s data reports and conversion rates
  • The holiday season is prime time to hit quota and set your team up for months to come


  • Today, the platform has over 1 billion monthly users and brands are using TikTok ads to reach them
  • Global marketing can be complicated — and we’re not just talking about scheduling a Zoom meeting across 4 different timezones
  • Celebrating National Entrepreneurship Month…
  • How will personalization and customer experience drive how organizations build and maintain their brand equity?
  • Who will consumers trust with the protection of their first-party data?
  • Google My Business Is Changing Its Name, Again
  • Facebook for Business Is Now Meta for Business
  • Desktop Version of Page Experience Update Slated for February 2022
  • Google Maps Reaches 10 Billion Play Store Downloads
  • Data is useless unless it helps companies make smarter decisions, improve customer experience, and enhance business outcomes
  • Google Maps has more than 10B Android installs (but only a 3.9 rating)
  • Nearly 84% of email is opened on mobile devices, with the iPhone leading the way
  • In October, the FTC notified major US brands that “misleading use of endorsements could lead to major financial penalties.”
  • Companies in nearly every industry seek to use data to make better decisions. But the need for better data in decision-making is just half of the challenge


  • GMB Rebrands to Google Business Profile: What Does it Mean for Local Businesses?
  • Agility in business is nothing new
  • Businesses have always needed to be agile—experimenting, adapting, and changing—to succeed
  • The difference today is the speed and scale of change required
  • Different ways to increase marketing velocity by focusing on optimizing and becoming more agile in your approach
  • The importance of centralizing work in one place for better visibility and alignment
  • The need to automate workflows and standardize campaign processes to save time

Multilingual SEO: An Untapped Resource for Local Businesses

Multilingual SEO: An Untapped Resource for Local Businesses

60 million people—almost a quarter of the US population—speak a non-English language as their mother tongue. And if they’re speaking it, you can be sure they’re searching with it, too!

In every major US city, a large proportion of non-English speakers live, work, and shop. Yet how many local businesses are optimizing their websites for multilingual audiences?

How quickly can you respond to changing market forces?

Marketers are under constant pressure to innovate, change, and drive demand. To be successful, one of the most important skills a marketer can develop is the ability to be agile and quickly respond to changing market forces.

This skill has never been more important than today as marketers strive to be productive and effective while working from our homes under the shadow of a global pandemic. Carefully curated marketing plans that seemed relevant two months ago must be completely reworked.

We’ve found that marketing organizations with a single, unified enterprise work management solution can boost creativity, speed, and agility to help teams iteratively plan and prioritize when things quickly shift.

Looking for Multilingual solution for your office ?

How to Measure Our Success for Local SEO ?

  • SERP (search engine results pages) visibility: this is to check whether how well your website is appearing for the targeted search queries
  • Click-through rate (CTR): this shows your website’s performance within the SERPs.
  • Keyword ranking: this demostrates your website’s rank for targeted keywords necessary for visitor traffic
  • Domain authority (DA): websites with a higher DA perform better

We will setup these metrics before we start and periodically review with you for your success.

So, what are You doing Today?

Act Now !

We will provide you FREE and no obligation quote for your needs. Our experienced team knows how to take your needs and budget and deliver to you a marketing program that turns potential visitors into business!

Call us Now 855-515-5544

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Video Viewers seek out Relatable Content

Video Viewers seek out Relatable Content

As boundaries between public and private narrows, online video viewers seek out relatable content

We have heard many times, content is king. Increasingly, online viewers demand relatable videos. Here are some reasons:

  • During covid times, our homes became offices, virtual schools, and day care centers. Thus, the once clear line between our public and private lives disappeared.
  • People felt less pressure to project unrealistic images of their lives and grew to expect the same of their favorite creators and the content they produced.
  • With so many people making videos themselves, there are new opportunities to “speak the same language” as viewers in ways that make them feel closer and more connected to your art, brand, or passion.
  • Late-night talk shows adapted to the pandemic and many of TV’s biggest stars started to seem like YouTubers, with the numbers to show for it. The Daily Show, an American news satire program, saw its YouTube viewership grow 45% in 2020 versus the year before.
  • Globally, we saw views of chess-related content grow by over 100% in the past year.

The winners in the world of video are those who manage to break the fourth wall and pull audiences in with their relatability.


In a world where the barriers between public and private have collapsed, the winners in the world of video are those who manage to break the fourth wall and pull audiences in with their relatability.

Source: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/consumer-insights/consumer-trends/the-future-of-video-viewing/

How to Measure Our Success for Local SEO ?

  • SERP (search engine results pages) visibility: this is to check whether how well your website is appearing for the targeted search queries
  • Click-through rate (CTR): this shows your website’s performance within the SERPs.
  • Keyword ranking: this demostrates your website’s rank for targeted keywords necessary for visitor traffic
  • Domain authority (DA): websites with a higher DA perform better

We will setup these metrics before we start and periodically review with you for your success.

So, what are You doing Today?

Act Now !

We will provide you FREE and no obligation quote for your needs. Our experienced team knows how to take your needs and budget and deliver to you a marketing program that turns potential visitors into business!

Call us Now 855-515-5544

Contact us 24/7 Online with this Web Form

Click here if You are Ready to Order one of our Standard Soultions to Meet Your Digital Marketing Needs ?

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Great Customer Experiences are Easier to Imagine

Great Customer Experiences are Easier to Imagine

Businesses today understand they need to be customer-focused in their marketing as well as in all of their other operations. To ensure that customers and prospects have the ideal interactions with their brands at every touchpoint, marketers first need in-depth information about the journey buyers currently navigate on their way to making a purchase, as well as how they interact post-purchase.

Great customer experiences are easier to imagine than to actually understand and deliver, which is why tools that help marketers analyze the customer journey are so critical.

Questions for you to Consider

  • Are you looking to expand your customer’s journey ?
  • Help them navigate the online experience ?
  • Is your Local Search Engine Marketing efforts stuck in same place ?
  • Are your PPC campaigns working as expected ?
  • Have you recently had a website audit by a 3rd party ?
  • Have you considered seo audit ?

How to Measure Our Success for Local SEO ?

  • SERP (search engine results pages) visibility: this is to check whether how well your website is appearing for the targeted search queries
  • Click-through rate (CTR): this shows your website’s performance within the SERPs.
  • Keyword ranking: this demostrates your website’s rank for targeted keywords necessary for visitor traffic
  • Domain authority (DA): websites with a higher DA perform better

We will setup these metrics before we start and periodically review with you for your success.

So, what are You doing Today?

Act Now !

We will provide you FREE and no obligation quote for your needs. Our experienced team knows how to take your needs and budget and deliver to you a marketing program that turns potential visitors into business!

Call us Now 855-515-5544

Contact us 24/7 Online with this Web Form

Click here if You are Ready to Order one of our Standard Soultions to Meet Your Digital Marketing Needs ?

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The 100% Free Tech SEO Site Audit Checklist

Is SEO Site Audit an Important Issue for You?

Contact us Today at 855-515-5544 to discuss your concerns and options !

Quick Read: User experience is everything. Learn the tools and tactics you’ll need to pinpoint technical issues on your site and turn them into wins for your users and your rankings.

Why Site Audit ?

If Google’s spiders and website visitors have an easy time finding pages and information, then you should also see an increase in organic traffic and a boost in your rankings.

An SEO audit is a procedure for assessing the search engine friendliness of a website in a number of regions.

Why Site Audit by YourLocalSEM ?

As one of the best SEO companies, we don’t follow a one-size-fits-all approach to our SEO site audits.

We know your brand has unique needs, so we tailor your audit to address your specific website.

How much will it cost?

One of the main reasons why prices vary so much is because SEO auditing is an extensive and time-consuming process.

What is the process of SEO Website Audit ?

The website audit project kicks off with a discovery session where we learn about your company, marketing needs, and target audience.

The site audit tool provides on page SEO tips, rankings similar to Google analytics, and a backlink analysis to inform your link building campaigns.

How many keywords are you currently ranking for, and which are driving good traffic?

The SEO audit tool enables you to search URLs, find potential clients, check backlinks, audit services, and much more.

It is also crucial to check how the traffic is being converted to active customers.

Dismissing errors and issues within your technical SEO could result in losing out on organic traffic.

Best Practices for Website Audit?

SEO audit should be performed at regular intervals to improve your working efficiency.

To wrap up, regularly checking your site for errors and performing an SEO audit is a must to keep a healthy online presence.

Related keywords

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Interested in Learning More about SEO Audit?

Call us Today at 855-515-5544

Google Discovery Ads Now Available to All Advertisers

Last May, Google made big waves at their annual Google Marketing Live event and announced tons of planned new features and tools to help advertisers find customers online. Among these announcements was a new ad type called Discovery ads, designed to help advertisers get their products discovered by potential audiences across Google’s popular properties.

These new discovery ads allow advertisers to show their products to targeted audiences for the first time ever on Google’s Discover feed as well as prominently at the top of YouTube and Gmail. These prominent ad placements reach audiences in the moments even before they search. According to Google, nearly 85% of people will take action within 24 hours of discovering a new product so these ads can significantly impact your customer’s journey to purchasing from you.

It might sound like a branding play at first, but Google’s automation can deliver high direct ROI as well. The campaign not only drives conversions, but it does so inexpensively—the average CPA on Discovery campaigns today is only $12.19!

Last week, Google announced these Discovery ads are now available to all advertisers globally! Here’s everything you need to know to make the most of this ad type.

What are Google Discovery ads?

Google’s newest Discovery ads are an easy way to get your products shown to your highest value customers. Discovery campaigns streamlines much of the ad testing, targeting, and campaign optimization with robust machine learning to target your ads across YouTube, Gmail, and the Discover feed all in one campaign type.

Advertisers still control their daily budget, target audiences and guide Google in crafting ad creative and campaign conversion goals to optimize towards across their networks.

Google Discovery ad formats

Google’s Discovery campaigns offer 2 unique ad formats, standard (single image) Discovery Ads and Discovery Carousel Ads. Much like Responsive Search ads and Responsive Display ads, advertisers provide Google with several different assets for Google to dynamically test different ad variants to show different customers more customized messaging.

Standard Discovery ads

A Discovery ad needs to have several unique assets:

Final URL: After clicking on your ad, this is where the ad directs. To ensure a higher ad quality and conversion rate, set your final URL to a page where someone can learn more about the specific product you are advertising, and they can potentially buy it. Avoid sending people to your homepage.
Images: Discovery ads are meant to inspire and stop your audience mid-scroll on these high traffic pages, so tap into your creative resources. Don’t play it safe – this isn’t the search engine results page and you’re not just competing against text on these pages. Stand out with bold colors and visual contrast, like you might in a Facebook ad. Google has plenty of creative suggestions to get your ideas flowing.
You can upload up to 15 different images for Google to test in a Discovery ad. Test out different images and sizes (Square 1:1 and Landscape 1.91:1) to get the most reach.

You can choose to upload your own images, search for stock images on Shutterstock, have Google scan images from your website, or even use images from your social media feeds on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

Headlines: Your headline will be featured as the first line of your ad in bold. You can provide up to five headlines, each with 40 characters.
Descriptions: Your descriptions will appear below your headlines and is your opportunity to provide more compelling messaging to your ad copy. You can provide up to five descriptions, each with 90 characters.
Business Name: Your business name will appear alongside your ad. Keep your business name consistent to how people would call or search for you.
Call to Action (optional): You can choose from several popular call to action buttons (such as “Shop Now” or “Get Quote”) to include alongside your ad. Alternatively, you can allow Google to test and optimize this call-to-action for you.
Discovery Carousel ads

The carousel ad format is very similar to the standard Discovery ad format but allows for users to scroll through all the images you provide in a carousel format. Advertisers can upload between two and 10 images to be used as cards in the carousel, and Google will display them in the order you upload them.

Keep in mind that Google only allows square images or landscapes with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1 to be used for cards and all the images within a Discovery Carousel ad must either be square OR landscape. You can’t mix square and landscape ads in the same Discovery Carousel ad or the entire ad may be disapproved.

Google Discovery ad targeting

Unlike search campaigns, Google Discovery ads aren’t targeted by keywords. Instead, advertisers can choose which audiences they want to reach with their ads. Advertiser can target their ads to specific audiences including:

Remarketing: Remarketing allows you to target your ads to past customers or website visitors. You can create different remarketing audiences based on their past interactions (visits to a key page, shopping cart abandoners, recently purchased from you) to reengage prospects who are already familiar with your brand.
Detailed Demographics: Demographic targeting on Google allows you to target your ads to users based on their age, gender, parental status, relationship, education, and homeownership status.
In-Market Audiences: In-market audiences reach users whom have recently begun to search, browse, and are actively considering making a purchase. Google has hundreds of different in market audiences for people ready to buy everything from a new car, computer, or payroll system.
Life Events: Life events lets you target people who just are about to have a major milestone, such as starting a business, changing jobs, graduating, getting married, or buying a home.
Affinity & Custom Intent: Affinity audiences and custom intent audiences reach users based on the topics and interests that people have searched for and browsed in the past.
Alternatively, if you do not choose any specific audiences, Google will target your ads to a wide audience and do leverage its own signals to optimize who sees your ads.

If you want to target more than one audience, you can create several ad groups or discovery campaigns to do so.

Google Discovery ad bidding and budgets

Google’s Discovery campaigns are built machine learning and rely upon Google’s Smart Bidding strategies. Currently, Discovery campaigns only support two bidding strategies:

Target CPA: Google will attempt to drive conversions at a specific cost per conversion. It’s recommended you use this strategy if you’ve got budget that’s at least 10 times your target CPA.
Maximize Conversions: Google will attempt to drive as many conversions at the lowest CPA possible. This is best for advertisers who may have smaller budgets or wouldn’t expect to see 10 conversions a day.
The average CPA on Google Discovery campaigns is only about $12, so most advertisers can get a lot out of small budgets. Still, industries that normally see higher CPAs on search and display should expect CPAs more in line with their account norm.

When first launching or making changes to a campaign, Google advises to wait two or three weeks between testing new bids or changing ads so that it can learn how users react and adjust to shifts to performance in real time.

How do I create Discovery campaigns in Google Ads?

Creating a Google Discovery Campaign is straight forward if you are familiar with the Google Ads interface.

1. Create a new campaign by hitting the “+” blue icon on the campaigns page.

2. When selecting your campaign’s goal, choose “Sales,” “Leads,” or “Website Traffic.” Alternatively, you can create a campaign without a goal’s guidance.

3. Select the “Discovery” campaign type.

4. Name your new campaign. Select which languages and where you would like your ads to run.

5. Set your daily budget and which bidding strategy you’d like Google to rely on to optimize your Discovery campaign (Currently only Maximize Conversions or Target CPA options are allowed).

6. Review “additional settings” if you want:

Your campaign to have a set start and end date
Your campaign to only run certain hours of the day or days of the week
You only want your campaigns to optimize for certain conversion actions in your account.
7. Create your first ad group and audience targets. Mind that you can create more than one ad group later if you want to target more audiences.

8. Upload your Discovery ads.

You will then be prompted to review your new Discovery campaign before launching it. Smash that continue button and your campaign goes live!

Google’s Discovery campaigns harness sophisticated audience signals and machine learning to find you more customers in an easy to manage campaign type. Our clients got a lot out of Google’s Discovery campaigns while they were in beta, so we’re excited to see them globally available to all advertisers today.

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5 Clever Strategies for Restaurant Marketing During COVID-19


If you have worked in restaurants in the past, you know this saying—and probably have flashbacks of the head chef yelling! An expeditor or lead calls out an order, and the rest of the crew yells, “Heard!” Pretty simple, but what people don’t know is what lies beneath the surface of this statement. A noisy kitchen with communication like this is a sign of a well-oiled and healthy machine. But in the age of COVID-19, restaurant kitchens across the world are quiet for the first time.

During the pandemic, the hospitality industry has been looking for new ways to stay agile while also staying true to their mission. As a past restaurant manager myself, I know it isn’t easy to try and change the core of your operation. We’re in the age of third-party delivery services and roadside pickup—we were already talking about the ways the industry needs to modernize, and stay-at-home orders have forced restaurants to do so quickly. For restaurants looking for ideas or inspiration, here are five of the best strategies I’ve seen:

Sell meal and cocktail kits
Host your own online cooking classes
Share your recipes
Switch up your social ads
Add donated meals to your menu
Let’s talk more about each of these.

1. Sell meal and cocktail kits

Buying a meal is a perk in itself, but buying the experience is something that is hard to replace. Some restaurants have begun to sell meal and cocktail kits that allow consumers to craft their own restaurant-quality meals and drinks right from their home. The best part? This doesn’t replicate the experience of dining in a restaurant, but it does offer an appealing alternative.

Take Sugar & Spice, a local restaurant around the corner from our Boston office. They have curated a menu of “survival kits,” or meal kits that allow you to enjoy their top menu items handcrafted in your own kitchen. By offering an activity, as well as a meal, restaurants are able to offer a fun date-night idea, family bonding session, or a creative alternative to bingeing another TV show.

And the consumer isn’t the only one who benefits from this type of strategy. When properly analyzing if a restaurant is making money, managers and owners look at three crucial elements: rent, labor, and food costs. When restaurants across the world were shut down, labor was drastically cut in the industry—but what about the food? It almost breaks my heart to think of the empty walk-ins with food that had no choice but to spoil. 

By handing off the labor to the consumer, restaurants can focus their workforce on sanitizing their locations and developing a phase plan for when they can reopen their doors for dine-in service. Sure, not everyone is going to want to pay to make their own meal, but in these times it is always worth offering. People dine at restaurants for comfort, and if they can supply that comfort to their friends and family (and take the credit), both parties can win.

2. Host online cooking classes

I had a bartender colleague of mine post on Facebook the other day that they would charge $10.00 on Venmo to teach a lesson on how to make a cocktail for an hour. Although I knew she was trying to be funny in her post, it got me thinking about other ways restaurants can bring the experience of new cuisine to the public’s home. MasterClass and YouTube have supplied tutorials for any culinary knowledge level, but it’s hard to mimic the perfect dish from the mom-and-pop from across the street. I have always learned best from someone guiding me, but during these times when I can’t even visit my grandma’s house so she can teach me how to make her famous snickerdoodles, we need to rely on video sharing.

Bully Boy, a local distillery, has been offering a series of virtual cocktail classes to fill this need, get people interacting with their brand, and encourage bartender hopefuls to purchase their goods. Although this may not be an instant revenue stream, this can help protect their brand by continuing to offer that connection while people are home.

Famous chefs around the world are taking the public into their homes through Facebook and Instagram live for the very first time to teach recipes and procedures that were once “secret,” which leads me to my next point.

3. Share your recipes—yes, even those secret ones

One of the most coveted pieces of a restaurant’s puzzle are the recipes. Some are constantly changing, some have stayed the same for generations. Even big brands have a cult following around some! Social distancing has not stopped the foodie cravings, so brands both large and small have released their recipes to the public for the very first time. Not only is this a way to remind people that brand’s care, but to also remind them that they aren’t going anywhere!

If you are a Disney fan like me, you probably immediately think of the hundreds of treats you can enjoy when you are exploring the parks. My favorite by far is their famous Dole Whip recipe that I enjoy at least twice a day when I visit. Like many others, I was forced to cancel my trip later on this year, so I thought I would have to wait to enjoy my favorite treat. As a great way to boost excitement and keep people engaged while their parks were closed, Disney’s blog started to release recipes for the Dole Whip, their famous churros, and other meals that people (like myself) miss dearly.

Does this replace a vacation? No, but it reminds me that when this is all over, I will be able to enjoy them again.

If you are a restaurant that has its own similar cult-like following in your local area, you likely have consumers who also want to be in on the secret recipe. Meal kits are a great way to send the items over and not completely reveal the recipe components, but if you are willing to open yourself up to the public this could be a great way to keep your customers engaged.

4. Switch up your social ads

With millions of Americans working from home, people have been sticking to the same routine day after day. I have been trying to break the vicious cycle of monotony, but sometimes it can be hard when I am stuck in the walls of my apartment. I spend some of my free time scrolling through social media (like many others who can’t spend time with family and friends), and have encountered some pretty clever ads along the way. Make sure to use high-quality photos, and consider adding a promo code like Pink Taco makes me realize that I miss the familiar cuisine from local restaurants even if I didn’t think I was hungry at first!

You can also use these ads to take people to your own website instead of operating through third party apps like UberEats and GrubHub. This can help decrease the amount of fees you have to pay to these third-party apps, which can help optimize your revenue. For more ideas, check out our Facebook advertising strategies for restaurants.

5. Add donated meals to your menu

Although restaurants have taken a huge hit in revenue due to COVID-19, the industry has largely chosen to give back during these hectic times. Nurses and doctors from around the world are working overtime and, unfortunately, it’s often in high-risk and hazardous conditions. Sometimes the best way to say thank you is by offering a warm meal free of charge.

Pagu, a Japanese and Spanish Tapas restaurant, has been making enormous amounts of paella and other warm meals for the nurses on the front lines. They give the specific hospitals a shoutout through Instagram and Facebook stories, and also have a little segment about their initiative to provide comfort to these heroes. Knowing the brand that I want to purchase from (and miss terribly) is working to support emergency room workers not only boosts my confidence in them, but also secures consumer brand loyalty.  

Other restaurants are letting users buy donated meals for healthcare workers, adding the option right to their delivery or pick-up menus. Either way, start serving up donated meals if you can.

Focus on connecting with your customers and your community

According to the National Restaurant Association, over 1 million restaurants are fighting to survive during this uncertain time. By implementing strategies to help reinforce the connection between restaurants and the diner, brands can stay agile while also keeping true to their mission. Danny Meyer, the famous restaurateur and author of Setting the Table: The Transforming Power of Hospitality and Business says it perfectly: “Business, like life, is all about how you make people feel. It’s that simple, and it’s that hard.” During these tough times, the public is still looking for restaurants to provide that same level of comfort and feeling they experienced just a couple of months ago. Although the process may be a little different for the time being, restaurants are beginning to “hear” the consumer more than ever. The public is still desiring that element of normalcy, which shows the mark that certain chains, local hubs, and large brands have left on their life. And their response?


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4 Tips for Better Display Advertising During COVID-19

Like most online advertising channels, I have seen my clients shift how they’re using the Google Display Network to help them implement their evolving marketing strategies during the pandemic. I know each account is different, and our approach to optimization should be customized for every single account. But I wanted to take the time to share some of the tactics I have used the most since COVID-19 started impacting my clients’ accounts.

From our post on online advertising trends during COVID-19.

The best part about this post is that many of these display tactics can be used and tested for almost any account, whether you have been affected by COVID-19 or not. Let’s hop in.

1. Test pay-per-conversion bid strategies

Pay-per-conversion is only available if you are using a target CPA strategy, but it is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. You only pay if someone converts on your website, and if you have not tried this option yet, I highly recommended testing it out. If your Google Ads account has at least one-hundred conversions in the past thirty days, you can change your target CPA strategy to focus on conversions.

I have had several clients that had to lower their ad spend right when COVID-19 hit. To avoid going completely dark, we shifted the display campaign bid strategies to pay-per-conversion to allow us to keep building awareness, but not spend a lot.

In the image above, this client has a target CPA of $100. Since we launched this small campaign in March, we have received over four million impressions, over eighteen thousand clicks, but just one conversion. So we only paid $100 for all that brand awareness and traffic with a quality conversion as icing on the cake. But it gets even better.

Pay-per-conversion bidding only applies to direct conversions. If your display campaigns using this bid strategy rack up view-through or cross-device conversions, but you do not see any direct conversions, you will not have to pay a cent. This can help you stretch your ad budgets further and help your other sources increase their conversion, so it would be good to test even if your account has not been negatively impacted by the pandemic.

2. Monitor your placement reports more frequently

This section is going to be the shortest of this blog post, but it is still important: User behavior during the coronavirus pandemic has changed. With that being said, we have to review if the audiences we are targeting with our display campaigns have changed. Hopefully, you are already checking your placement reports in Google Ads frequently. But if you feel your target audience is seeing a shift in performance, you should be checking where your ads are being shown much more frequently than you were before COVID-19 hit.

Some people may have more time on their hands right now—we know that, overall, people are spending more time online. This additional amount of traffic could either benefit your campaign performance, or possibly hurt you. I have seen both ends of the spectrum in my client accounts. Monitor your placements to see what optimizations you should make and, remember, not all changes needed to be made will be negative. Yes, you will most likely see more placements to add to your exclusion lists. But you might take your new findings to either block out more, or target more, placements based on the recent data. You simply won’t know the actual trends if you are not checking your placement reports much more frequently than you were before the pandemic hit.

3. Get proactive with your exclusion strategy

This next recommendation comes with some additional help from my friend Kirk Williams and the Zato Marketing team. They recently wrote a blog post that included a coronavirus placement exclusion list. Please go and check it out for a full explanation. The thought here is there are many news sites that are part of the Google Display Network. And some of these news sites have large ad spaces. Check this one out from The New York Times.

Demographic targeting updates would fix this, but still.

Our data suggests that CTRs for clothing and apparel are back to pre-COVID-19 levels, but even if I was in the market for this product, I’m not going to be in the mood for it while I’m trying to read about economic recovery. While the exposure on these sites could still be valuable, you may have an account where you do not want to waste ad spend on potential users who just want to read about the latest pandemic updates. As always, you will have to decide depending on your account goals.

If you do decide to use the Zato exclusion list, you will be able to block out a variety of URLs, such as news organization URLs or common URLs with pandemic-related terms.

On the flip side, this exclusion list can also work great as a managed placement list for targeting users. If you have a product or service that can be really helpful during COVID-19, use this list to try and target users while they are actively reading or thinking about the pandemic. The intent to buy might be higher with this strategy. And while we are on the topic of implementing more managed placements…

4. Work on your managed placement campaigns

If you have seen audience behavior change in any of your campaigns (this could be for both display and YouTube campaigns), then you may be more hesitant testing out different audiences. While I have found custom intent, auto-created, and in-market audiences to be pretty valuable for my awareness campaigns, I have seen performance for some of these audiences dramatically change since COVID-19 really hit. That being said, you may want to spend more time researching new managed placement options beyond the ones that have converted in your current campaigns.

I currently have a client that wants to target moms. It is easy enough to start creating a display campaign and start searching for “mom” websites. It does not take much effort to type in one keyword and scan through the initial list of results.

Searching for just the exact audience is easy, but our researching efforts should not end there. When COVID-19 hit, schools closed. Many parents were automatically forced to add “homeschool teacher” to their resume. (It’s important to note that the responsibility of being a homeschool teacher is not solely on a mother’s shoulders, and not all families with a parent or parents homeschooling children include mothers. But mothers are parents, too, so that factors into our targeting. We can also control our efforts as much as possible with gender-based targeting.) With this in mind, we used the current scenario to come up with new research ideas for managed placements.

We now see there are several websites that are part of the Google Display Network that are all about homeschooling. I can start pulling these URLs over to my targeting selections, and oh, we are not done yet. Even when the kids do not have any homework to do, we still have to keep them entertained right? (I am still looking for ideas so, fellow parents, please help me).

So in the case of my client, I can easily try and look for projects I can have the kids do, too. Parents are probably looking for art projects, science activities, and sports to keep their kids occupied. Even if stay-at-home restrictions are getting lifted, it does not mean life is going to go back to normal anytime soon. So I want to make sure my client has ads on websites for parents in this situation.

This is just one example for one particular client. Think about all the ways user behavior has changed because of COVID-19. More importantly, think about how behavior for your specific audience has changed. Would they visit different sites now? What features, services, or needs are more important to them right now? Does this shift in behavior justify finding different placements to use as a new strategy? These are the questions you will want to ask yourself. Once you truly take the time to research what is important to your target audience during the pandemic, the more options you have for managed placements to stay top of mind wherever your target audience likes to be online.

Check on your display strategies as things keep changing

Even though it seems like life is slowly getting back to normal, we have a long way to go until COVID-19 is not on our minds. I understand each account is different. Depending on the industry, some accounts are hurting right now while others are experiencing an increase in volume during the pandemic. No matter which bucket you fall in, hopefully this post gave you a list of ideas to consider. This industry has always been an ever-changing one. But when you add a pandemic to the mix, there seems to be a lot more to be done in each account. If there are strategies you have implemented during the pandemic that has helped your account, please share it with the rest of the PPC community in the comments below.

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