Google Business Profile: Kissing Chat and Call History Goodbye (and the Potential Issues)

Google Business Profile: Kissing Chat and Call History Goodbye (and the Potential Issues)

As of July 31, 2024, Google is shutting down the chat and call history features within Google Business Profile. This means you’ll lose a direct communication channel with potential and existing customers, and some valuable analytical insights. Let’s delve deeper into the changes and explore the potential issues:

What’s Going Away?

  • Chat Functionality: On July 15th, the ability for customers to initiate new chat conversations vanished. Existing chats were phased out by July 31st.
  • Call History Reports: You can no longer access past call data through Google Business Profile. This data included the number, date, and time of calls.

Potential Issues:

  • Reduced Customer Interaction: Losing the chat feature eliminates a convenient way for customers to connect with you for quick inquiries or appointment bookings. This might lead to missed leads and decreased customer engagement.
  • Limited Communication Channels: Businesses now rely on phone calls, emails listed on the profile, or manually setting up messaging apps to communicate with customers. This can be cumbersome and less convenient for both customer and business.
  • Loss of Call Insights: Call history reports provided valuable data on call volume and trends. You might miss out on identifying peak calling times or optimizing marketing strategies based on call demographics.

The Bottom Line:

The removal of chat and call history functions might force businesses to adapt their communication strategies. Consider these alternatives:

  • Clearly display contact information: Ensure your phone number, email, and website with a contact form are prominently displayed on your Business Profile.
  • Explore third-party messaging apps: Utilize platforms like WhatsApp Business or Facebook Messenger to connect with customers.
  • Invest in a CRM system: A Customer Relationship Management system can manage customer interactions across various channels and provide valuable insights.

By implementing these alternatives, businesses can minimize the impact of these changes and maintain strong communication channels with their customers.

The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing: Connecting with Customers in a Digital World

In today’s digital world, social media has become an essential component of businesses’ marketing strategies. It offers a range of opportunities to connect with customers, build brand awareness, and drive sales. However, with so many platforms and tactics to choose from, it can be overwhelming for businesses to know where to start. That’s why we have created the ultimate guide to social media marketing, to provide you with the insights and strategies you need to succeed.

The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing

The Importance of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing plays a crucial role in building brand awareness and customer engagement. It allows businesses to connect with their customers on a more personal level, creating a two-way dialogue and fostering trust and loyalty. Social media also provides unique opportunities for businesses to showcase their products or services, through visually engaging content and creative campaigns. In addition, social media offers the advantage of being cost-effective, with the potential to reach a large audience without breaking the bank.

Strategies for Effective Customer Engagement

To succeed in social media marketing, it’s essential to develop a customer-centric approach. This means creating content that is tailored to your target audience’s interests and needs, and engaging in conversations with them in a genuine and authentic way. Some effective strategies for customer engagement include running social media contests, sharing user-generated content, and responding promptly to customer inquiries and complaints. It’s also important to stay up-to-date with social media trends and algorithm changes, to ensure your content reaches the right people at the right time.

Another critical aspect of social media marketing is measuring and analyzing your results. This allows you to track your progress, identify what’s working and what’s not, and make data-driven decisions about your future social media strategy. Some key metrics to track include engagement rate, reach, impressions, and click-through rate. By monitoring these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences, and adjust your approach accordingly.

Steps for Social Media Marketing

Here is an outline for social media and internet marketing that I found on Social Media Today:

  1. Creating an audience persona

An audience persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. It is created based on the perception of your ideal customer’s buying behavior, interests, and demographics. You can use this character as a reference point when planning new products, campaigns or your next social post ¹⁵.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

(1) Social Media Personas to Boost Brand Engagement | Sprout Social.
(2) How Audience Personas Can Transform Your Digital Marketing.
(3) Audience Personas – What Is It and Why You Need to Know … – Inquivix.
(4) The Beginner’s Guide to Creating Marketing Personas | Buffer.

  1. Goal-setting and objectives
  2. Budgeting
  3. Resourcing/team building
  4. Research
  5. Choosing your platforms
  6. Producing content
  7. Integrating with the rest of your digital strategy

(1) 9 Key Elements of an Effective Social Media Marketing Strategy, and How ….
(2) Social Media Marketing: What It Is and How To Get Started – WebFX.
(3) How to Build Your Social Media Marketing Strategy – Sprout Social.
(4) What Is Social Media Marketing? [Complete 2023 Guide].
(5) How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy [Template].

Importance of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is important because it allows businesses to connect with their audience, share information, build relationships, and increase brand awareness and sales. Social media marketing also helps businesses to monitor and measure their online presence and customer feedback. Consumers often use social media platforms to seek information about a brand and shop its products or services. Using social media strategies for your marketing campaign can ensure you’re spreading your messages to every area where your target audiences are present¹².

(1) The Importance of Social Media in Marketing (With 8 Benefits).
(2) 15 benefits of social media marketing | Adobe.
(3) What Is Social Media Marketing? –
(4) The Importance Of Social Media Marketing –

In conclusion, social media marketing presents an exciting and rewarding opportunity for businesses to connect with their customers and achieve their marketing goals.

By developing a customer-centric approach and using effective engagement strategies, businesses can build brand awareness, foster customer loyalty, and drive sales. With the insights and strategies provided in this ultimate guide, businesses can develop a robust social media strategy that delivers results.

From Clicks to Conversions: The Role of SEM and SMM in Driving Sales

In today’s business environment, online marketing has become a crucial tool for driving sales. Two of the most effective online marketing strategies are Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Social Media Marketing (SMM). These two strategies have the potential to drive significant traffic to your website and increase conversion rates. In this article, we will explore the importance of SEM and SMM in driving sales and provide tips for maximizing conversions.

The Importance of SEM and SMM for Driving Sales

SEM and SMM are essential strategies for businesses looking to increase their online visibility and drive sales. SEM involves promoting your website by increasing its visibility on search engine results pages through paid advertising. SMM, on the other hand, involves promoting your business through social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Both strategies have the potential to create brand awareness, generate leads, and ultimately drive sales.

One of the most significant benefits of SEM and SMM is their ability to target specific audiences. By utilizing keywords, demographics, and other targeting options, you can ensure that your ads and content reach the right people. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of conversions, as you are reaching people who are interested in your products or services. It also allows you to optimize your marketing budgets by avoiding wasted ad spend on people who are not interested in what you have to offer.

Maximizing Conversions: Tips for Successful SEM and SMM Strategies

To maximize conversions with SEM and SMM, you need to have a clear understanding of your target market and their needs. Conducting market research and analyzing your competitors can help you identify the keywords, topics, and messaging that will resonate with your target audience. Additionally, you should create clear and compelling calls-to-action that encourage visitors to take the desired action, such as making a purchase.

Another important factor in maximizing conversions is testing and optimization. By tracking and analyzing data from your campaigns, you can identify what is working and what isn’t, and make adjustments accordingly. This could include adjusting your ad copy, targeting options, or landing page design. Continuously testing and optimizing your campaigns will help you achieve the best possible results and ensure that you are getting the most value from your marketing budget.

SEM and SMM are powerful tools for driving sales, but they require a strategic approach to be effective. By targeting the right audience, creating compelling calls-to-action, and continuously testing and optimizing your campaigns, you can maximize conversions and achieve your business goals. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, SEM and SMM should be a critical part of your marketing strategy.

Meta Fraud News

Meta is suing seller of Fake Reviews

Facebook’s parent company Meta has announced that it is suing someone whose company provided fake positive reviews to “increase feedback scores” artificially by fake customer” on the website.

The lawsuit was filed in federal court in California.

Meta sends a survey to people who buy a product after clicking on an ad to collect customer feedback. This feedback leads to several points. If a business’s score is too low, Facebook may “take a number of enforcement actions, which may include restricting advertising, financial penalties, or account disabling.”

The defendant in this case, Chad Taylor Cowan, “used a fraudulent network and rented Facebook user accounts to provide fake customer reviews in order to artificially inflate customer review scores, undermining customers “and downplaying negative reviews”.

Why is this Important News ?

There is evidence that the prevalence of fake reviews across multiple platforms is undermining consumer trust.

All major platforms take periodic legal action against fraudsters. Amazon did this recently with two review providers.

These actions are both authentic and a form of theater, to show critics and regulators that they care about the integrity of the content.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Reputation management is the work and management of what people see in search results (SERP) about a business. This is done through a number of different techniques and require long term commitment and patience !

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The Art of Reputation Management

What is Local Reputation Management and How it Works?

Local Reputation Management is series of activities on the Internet to present and improve how your product or service brand is perceived by others in your local market. Due to the larger impact of Local Social Media, it is increasingly difficult for business to protect their own image online in the local area. A good Local Reputation Management Consultant can help coordinate the online content for locally targeted results. A good example is to fix unwanted SERP (search results) like: county court orders, local news articles, incorrect reviews by locally confused people, unaffiliated blogs, images & more.

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57 Easy & Engaging August Marketing Ideas (With Examples!)

Inspirational Instagram posts say August is the Sunday of summer (cursive font over sunset photo). Someecards says August is a whole month of Sunday nights.

We say August is 30 days of opportunities for creative marketing. And we have over 50 ideas to prove it. So today, we’re coming at you with:

A list of August awareness causes, themes, national days, and holidays.
57 creative ideas for incorporating them into your articles, posts, events, and promotions.
Real examples of these August marketing ideas in action.
Let’s get into it.

August awareness

Eye Health Month
Family Fun Month
Happiness Happens Month
International Peace Month
Back to School Month
Wellness Month
August national days

See the full list at the bottom of this post!

For community-friendly marketing

Night Out Day (First Tuesday)
Garage Sale Day (Second Saturday)
Bowling Day (Second Saturday)
Senior Citizens Day (Aug 21)
For positive/inspirational marketing:

Friendship Day  (First Sunday)
Purple Heart Day (Aug 7)
Happiness Happens Day (Aug 8)
Be An Angel Day (Aug 22)
Just Because Day (Aug 27)
For social awareness marketing

WebMistress Day (Aug 26)
Women’s Equality Day (Aug 26)
For straight-up marketing

National Dollar Day (Aug 8)
National Thrift Shop Day (Aug 17)
August marketing ideas

As you can see from the different categories of observances, you can appeal to all kinds of emotions in your marketing. Use these ideas to connect with your audience in a more meaningful way than any of your competitors.

1. Family Fun Month

Partner up with nearby attractions and offer coupons.
Share a blog post or email newsletter roundup of your favorite family-friendly spots in town.
If your target audience is parents: Write a post on how to actually have family fun month in the depressing last days of summer when your kids are at each others’ throats and you’ve had no alone time in weeks (emotional marketing opp?).
Team up with other local businesses in town and run a family fun night. Photographers can offer family portraits (before little Jane gets a butterfly plastered to her face), restaurants can provide the food (and coupons to get them through their doors), and other businesses (like preschools) can set up informational (but fun) tables.
Clothing companies, run a series of sales each week for men, women, babies, and tweens.

2. Black Business Month

Black Business Month was founded by John William Templeton and Frederick E. Jordan in 2004. Use this as an opportunity not to just support the Black-owned businesses, but to get into the habit of doing it year-round.

Retailers: Take the 15% Pledge and start selling products made by Black-owned businesses. You can use the Support Black-Owned Businesses Directory to find Black-owned businesses near you.
B2B businesses: interview a Black business owner and share their tips on running a business, overcoming prejudice, or dealing with challenges your clients commonly face.
Any business: show your followers how to support Black businesses.

Black-owned businesses: make use of Google’s and now Insta’s “Black-owned” attribute tag.

3. Back to School Month

Back to school season and January are friends. Go wild with all the fresh-start, back-in-gear, goal-setting themes you used in your January marketing (repurposing opp?)

Salons, offer special deals on back-to-school haircuts.
Spas, invite parents in for a much-needed massage after a long summer.
Schools and after-school programs, offer early bird registration deals.
Personal trainers or fitness centers, offer discount packages.
Dentists or nutritionists can encourage appointments or give healthy tips.
Run a re-engagement campaign to bring back any customers who went quiet over the summer.
Check out more back-to-school marketing ideas here.

4. Simplify Your Life Week (August 1-7)

According to Amazon, “seeking simpler living” is the latest trend in consumer behavior. As a business owner, take this time to clean out clutter (virtual and physical), and organize your mind and workplace before the September storm hits.

As for marketing ideas:

Productivity tool providers could offer a free trial during this week.
You could share a roundup of tools or apps you use (or have deleted) to simplify your life.
Interior designers can share their organization tricks.
Break down a complex topic into plain English for your audience.
Life is as broad as it gets, so anything related to simplifying works here.

5. Friendship Day (Aug 2)

This day gives a good excuse for promoting referral programs and running BOGO sales promotions. You might also use catchy taglines like “You never know how many friends you have until you own [the product you provide].”

6. National Dollar Day (Aug 8)

On this day in 1786, the US monetary system was established. A nice history lesson, but also a great marketing opportunity. 

Use a money-saving-themed blog post to teach your audience how to save a dollar (or hundreds).
Take a dollar off your (low-priced) products.
Offer something for just $1.
7. National Book Lovers Day (Aug 9)

There are readers in every audience. Share a post on social media recommending your favorite reads, top industry influencer authors, or asking for recommendations from your followers. Your audience likes opportunities to share their input, you like post engagement, everyone wins.

8. Blame Someone Else Day – First Friday the 13th of the Year (August 13, 2021)

Toss the core values aside today and letterrip. Don’t actually do that. But you can have fun with this one.

“When working in a book store you learn that sometimes books are just going to fall over. Usually on their own or sometimes because of…other reasons (*cough*Ryan*cough).
Happy National Blame Someone Else Day!
(No books were harmed in the making of this post).”
“Friday the 13th: Me-ow.National Blame Someone Else Day: You-ow”
“It’s okay to indulge, you can blame us!”

Or get serious…

Or use it as a creative way to celebrate a company milestone and thank your customers. Write a customer appreciation email, blaming them for your having to bring on more employees to keep up with the demand, and for your having to move to a bigger office, and your having to choose the signature drink to serve at your party celebrating your 1000th customer…and so on.

9. National Relaxation Day (August 15th)

It is National Wellness Month, after all. Ideas:

Spas and salons can offer discounts, or even volunteer to visit a local office and give short chair massages.
Restaurants can promote signature drinks as a way to kick back and relax.
Yoga instructors can run free sessions for offices.
YOU can close up shop early to allow employees to enjoy some hard-earned rest.
10. National Spirit of ’45 Day (second Sunday in August)

On August 14, 1945, President Truman announced the end of WWII. The national pride, can-do spirit, and eagerness to step up and play their part is not only what made this victory possible but also that which laid the groundwork for future generations. The Spirit of ‘45 is a great platform for inspirational blog posts, emails, and social media posts.

11. World Humanitarian Day (Aug 19)

On World Humanitarian Day, we recognize those who lost their lives working for humanitarian causes. Incorporate this into your marketing by:

Donating proceeds to a humanitarian organization near you.
Encouraging your audience to do something good.
Sharing quotes from modern-day humanitarians like Eddie Aijuka.

This modern-day humanitarian is tackling Africa’s electricity crisis. (Image source)

There’s nothing wrong with a Mother Theresa or Gandhi quote, but featuring newer individuals provides an opportunity for both you and your audience to learn about the current crises the world is facing.

12. Senior Citizens Day (Aug 21)

Even though these folks get year-round senior discounts, why not throw an extra one in the mix on this day?

Senior living communities, host an open house barbeque on this day to honor your residents and give potential residents (or their adult children) a chance to check you out.
Local businesses, contact local senior centers to see if you can sponsor or cater an event, or even stop by with free manicures to brighten up someone’s day.
13. Secondhand Wardrobe Day (Aug 25)

Many local secondhand stores are part of nonprofits that fund needs in the community or even worldwide. Consider running a clothing drive to give your audience the opportunity to make a difference while cleaning out their wardrobe (perhaps to simplify their lives…see #4).

Or, for businesses NOT in the clothing industry, publish mission-statement-friendly posts like these:

14. National WebMistress Day (Aug 26)

This holiday recognizes women in web development. Recognize #womenwhocode, do an employee spotlight on a female developer, or donate to learnerships like GirlCode

15. National Just Because Day (Aug 27)

The creative marketing possibilities are endless for this day.

Send your email subscribers a promo code just because you appreciate them.
Encourage your patrons to buy that outfit (or any product you sell), book that ticket, or do something spontaneous for no reason other than because you can.
Go against this post on how to write copy that sells and promote something with “just because”—no features or benefits.
Inspire your audience to do a random act of kindness. Just because.
Run a giveaway that not only ramps up engagement but sparks an inspirational comment thread your followers will enjoy.
Write a post on X (inspirational) things to do just because.
16. Get involved with state/county fairs

Many state fairs happen in the fall, so plan ahead and see if you can get on the list!

Be a web sponsor—get your logo on their website (good for a backlink).
Be a vendor—food, tables, bouncy houses, and more.
Donate an auction or raffle item.
17. Plan for Labor Day

More of a tip than an idea, but get your Labor Day marketing in order, especially if you’re running a special only during that weekend. September sneaks up fast! 

Summer is ending, but August marketing must go on

Whether you’re heading into fall with gusto or dragging your feet, your marketing needs to stay consistent and strong! Use these ideas to engage your audience, attract more customers, and stand out above your competitors. And now, as promised, the expanded list of August national days.

August national days—expanded list

All things family

National Sisters Day – First Sunday in August
Respect for Parents Day (Aug 1)
American Family Day – First Sunday in August
Sons and Daughters Day (Aug 11)
Middle Child Day (Aug 12)
Vertical specific

Shapewear Day (Aug 10)
Secondhand Wardrobe Day (Aug 25)
Brazilian Blowout Day (Aug 21)
Tooth Fairy Day (Aug 22)

Night Out Day (First Tuesday)
Garage Sale Day – Second Saturday in August
Senior Citizens Day (Aug 21)
Bowling Day (Second Saturday)

Friendship Day (First Sunday)
Girlfriends Day (Aug 1)
Happiness Happens Day (Aug 8)
Global Sleep Under The Stars Night  (Aug 8)
Be An Angel Day (Aug 22)
Just Because Day (Aug 27)
Nonprofit Day (Aug 17)

Purple Heart Day (Aug 7)
Spirit of ’45 Day (Second Sunday in August)
Navajo Code Talkers Day
Aviation Day (Aug 19)
Park Service Founders Day (Aug 25)
Ride The Wind Day (Aug 23)

WebMistress Day (Aug 26)
Women’s Equality Day (Aug 26)

Grab Some Nuts Day (Aug 3)
Underwear Day (Aug 5)
Water Balloon Day (First Friday in August)
Lazy Day (Aug 10)
Tell a Joke Day (Aug 16)
Sneak Some Zucchini Into Your Neighbor’s Porch Day (Aug 8)
I LOVE My Feet Day! (Aug 17)
Blame Someone Else Day (First Friday the 13th of the year (Aug 13 in 2021))
International Beer Day (First Friday in August)
Beach Day (Aug 30)
Mail Order Catalog Day (Aug 18)

Power Rangers Day (Aug 26)
Book Lovers Day (Aug 9)
Left-Handers Day (Aug 13)
Dog appreciation

Work Like A Dog Day (Aug 5)
Never Bean Better Day (Aug 22)
Dog Day (Aug 26)
Totally irrelevant but nostalgic
International Mahjong Day (Aug 1)

Relaxation Day (Aug 15)
Thoughtful Day  (Aug 28)
Grief Awareness Day (Aug 30)
Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day (Aug 28)

National Dollar Day (Aug 8)
National Thrift Shop Day (Aug 17)
[Lots] more marketing ideas

Here’s our full series of marketing ideas for every month of the year:

15 January Marketing Ideas to Start the New Year with a Bang
20 Fabulous (and Affordable) February Marketing Ideas
30+ Creative and Cost-Friendly March Marketing Ideas
20+ Free April Marketing Ideas to Freshen Up Your Content Calendar
50+ May Marketing Ideas for Any Business or Budget
50+ Free June Marketing Ideas for Sizzlin’ Hot Campaigns
37 Free and Creative July Marketing Ideas (With Examples!)
17+ Free and Creative September Marketing Ideas
21+ Free and Effective October Marketing Ideas
19 Simple Yet Superb November Marketing Ideas (with Examples)
20 Super-Festive December Marketing Ideas
And finally, for a year’s worth of marketing ideas, check out this marketing calendar template from our friends at LOCALiQ.

Inspirational Instagram posts say August is the Sunday of summer (cursive font over sunset photo). Someecards says August is a whole month of Sunday nights.

We say August is 30 days of opportunities for creative marketing. And we have over 50 ideas to prove it. So today, we’re coming at you with:

A list of August awareness causes, themes, national days, and holidays.
57 creative ideas for incorporating them into your articles, posts, events, and promotions.
Real examples of these August marketing ideas in action.

Let’s get into it.

August awareness

Eye Health Month
Family Fun Month
Happiness Happens Month
International Peace Month
Back to School Month
Wellness Month

August national days

See the full list at the bottom of this post!

For community-friendly marketing

Night Out Day (First Tuesday)
Garage Sale Day (Second Saturday)
Bowling Day (Second Saturday)
Senior Citizens Day (Aug 21)

For positive/inspirational marketing:

Friendship Day  (First Sunday)
Purple Heart Day (Aug 7)
Happiness Happens Day (Aug 8)
Be An Angel Day (Aug 22)
Just Because Day (Aug 27)

For social awareness marketing

WebMistress Day (Aug 26)
Women’s Equality Day (Aug 26)

For straight-up marketing

National Dollar Day (Aug 8)
National Thrift Shop Day (Aug 17)

August marketing ideas

As you can see from the different categories of observances, you can appeal to all kinds of emotions in your marketing. Use these ideas to connect with your audience in a more meaningful way than any of your competitors.

1. Family Fun Month

Partner up with nearby attractions and offer coupons.
Share a blog post or email newsletter roundup of your favorite family-friendly spots in town.
If your target audience is parents: Write a post on how to actually have family fun month in the depressing last days of summer when your kids are at each others’ throats and you’ve had no alone time in weeks (emotional marketing opp?).
Team up with other local businesses in town and run a family fun night. Photographers can offer family portraits (before little Jane gets a butterfly plastered to her face), restaurants can provide the food (and coupons to get them through their doors), and other businesses (like preschools) can set up informational (but fun) tables.
Clothing companies, run a series of sales each week for men, women, babies, and tweens.

2. Black Business Month

Black Business Month was founded by John William Templeton and Frederick E. Jordan in 2004. Use this as an opportunity not to just support the Black-owned businesses, but to get into the habit of doing it year-round.

Retailers: Take the 15% Pledge and start selling products made by Black-owned businesses. You can use the Support Black-Owned Businesses Directory to find Black-owned businesses near you.
B2B businesses: interview a Black business owner and share their tips on running a business, overcoming prejudice, or dealing with challenges your clients commonly face.
Any business: show your followers how to support Black businesses.

Black-owned businesses: make use of Google’s and now Insta’s “Black-owned” attribute tag.

3. Back to School Month

Back to school season and January are friends. Go wild with all the fresh-start, back-in-gear, goal-setting themes you used in your January marketing (repurposing opp?)

Salons, offer special deals on back-to-school haircuts.
Spas, invite parents in for a much-needed massage after a long summer.
Schools and after-school programs, offer early bird registration deals.
Personal trainers or fitness centers, offer discount packages.
Dentists or nutritionists can encourage appointments or give healthy tips.
Run a re-engagement campaign to bring back any customers who went quiet over the summer.
Check out more back-to-school marketing ideas here.

4. Simplify Your Life Week (August 1-7)

According to Amazon, “seeking simpler living” is the latest trend in consumer behavior. As a business owner, take this time to clean out clutter (virtual and physical), and organize your mind and workplace before the September storm hits.

As for marketing ideas:

Productivity tool providers could offer a free trial during this week.
You could share a roundup of tools or apps you use (or have deleted) to simplify your life.
Interior designers can share their organization tricks.
Break down a complex topic into plain English for your audience.

Life is as broad as it gets, so anything related to simplifying works here.

5. Friendship Day (Aug 2)

This day gives a good excuse for promoting referral programs and running BOGO sales promotions. You might also use catchy taglines like “You never know how many friends you have until you own [the product you provide].”

6. National Dollar Day (Aug 8)

On this day in 1786, the US monetary system was established. A nice history lesson, but also a great marketing opportunity

Use a money-saving-themed blog post to teach your audience how to save a dollar (or hundreds).
Take a dollar off your (low-priced) products.
Offer something for just $1.

7. National Book Lovers Day (Aug 9)

There are readers in every audience. Share a post on social media recommending your favorite reads, top industry influencer authors, or asking for recommendations from your followers. Your audience likes opportunities to share their input, you like post engagement, everyone wins.

8. Blame Someone Else Day – First Friday the 13th of the Year (August 13, 2021)

Toss the core values aside today and letterrip. Don’t actually do that. But you can have fun with this one.

“When working in a book store you learn that sometimes books are just going to fall over. Usually on their own or sometimes because of…other reasons (*cough*Ryan*cough).
Happy National Blame Someone Else Day!
(No books were harmed in the making of this post).”

“Friday the 13th: Me-ow.
National Blame Someone Else Day: You-ow”
“It’s okay to indulge, you can blame us!”

Or get serious…

Or use it as a creative way to celebrate a company milestone and thank your customers. Write a customer appreciation email, blaming them for your having to bring on more employees to keep up with the demand, and for your having to move to a bigger office, and your having to choose the signature drink to serve at your party celebrating your 1000th customer…and so on.

9. National Relaxation Day (August 15th)

It is National Wellness Month, after all. Ideas:

Spas and salons can offer discounts, or even volunteer to visit a local office and give short chair massages.
Restaurants can promote signature drinks as a way to kick back and relax.
Yoga instructors can run free sessions for offices.
YOU can close up shop early to allow employees to enjoy some hard-earned rest.

10. National Spirit of ’45 Day (second Sunday in August)

On August 14, 1945, President Truman announced the end of WWII. The national pride, can-do spirit, and eagerness to step up and play their part is not only what made this victory possible but also that which laid the groundwork for future generations. The Spirit of ‘45 is a great platform for inspirational blog posts, emails, and social media posts.

11. World Humanitarian Day (Aug 19)

On World Humanitarian Day, we recognize those who lost their lives working for humanitarian causes. Incorporate this into your marketing by:

Donating proceeds to a humanitarian organization near you.
Encouraging your audience to do something good.
Sharing quotes from modern-day humanitarians like Eddie Aijuka.

This modern-day humanitarian is tackling Africa’s electricity crisis. (Image source)

There’s nothing wrong with a Mother Theresa or Gandhi quote, but featuring newer individuals provides an opportunity for both you and your audience to learn about the current crises the world is facing.

12. Senior Citizens Day (Aug 21)

Even though these folks get year-round senior discounts, why not throw an extra one in the mix on this day?

Senior living communities, host an open house barbeque on this day to honor your residents and give potential residents (or their adult children) a chance to check you out.
Local businesses, contact local senior centers to see if you can sponsor or cater an event, or even stop by with free manicures to brighten up someone’s day. 

13. Secondhand Wardrobe Day (Aug 25)

Many local secondhand stores are part of nonprofits that fund needs in the community or even worldwide. Consider running a clothing drive to give your audience the opportunity to make a difference while cleaning out their wardrobe (perhaps to simplify their lives…see #4).

Or, for businesses NOT in the clothing industry, publish mission-statement-friendly posts like these:

14. National WebMistress Day (Aug 26)

This holiday recognizes women in web development. Recognize #womenwhocode, do an employee spotlight on a female developer, or donate to learnerships like GirlCode

15. National Just Because Day (Aug 27)

The creative marketing possibilities are endless for this day.

Send your email subscribers a promo code just because you appreciate them.
Encourage your patrons to buy that outfit (or any product you sell), book that ticket, or do something spontaneous for no reason other than because you can.
Go against this post on how to write copy that sells and promote something with “just because”—no features or benefits. 
Inspire your audience to do a random act of kindness. Just because.
Run a giveaway that not only ramps up engagement but sparks an inspirational comment thread your followers will enjoy.
Write a post on X (inspirational) things to do just because.

16. Get involved with state/county fairs

Many state fairs happen in the fall, so plan ahead and see if you can get on the list!

Be a web sponsor—get your logo on their website (good for a backlink).
Be a vendor—food, tables, bouncy houses, and more.
Donate an auction or raffle item.

17. Plan for Labor Day

More of a tip than an idea, but get your Labor Day marketing in order, especially if you’re running a special only during that weekend. September sneaks up fast! 

Summer is ending, but August marketing must go on

Whether you’re heading into fall with gusto or dragging your feet, your marketing needs to stay consistent and strong! Use these ideas to engage your audience, attract more customers, and stand out above your competitors. And now, as promised, the expanded list of August national days.

August national days—expanded list

All things family

National Sisters Day – First Sunday in August
Respect for Parents Day (Aug 1)
American Family Day – First Sunday in August
Sons and Daughters Day (Aug 11)
Middle Child Day (Aug 12)

Vertical specific

Shapewear Day (Aug 10)
Secondhand Wardrobe Day (Aug 25)
Brazilian Blowout Day (Aug 21)
Tooth Fairy Day (Aug 22)


Night Out Day (First Tuesday)
Garage Sale Day – Second Saturday in August
Senior Citizens Day (Aug 21)
Bowling Day (Second Saturday)


Friendship Day (First Sunday)
Girlfriends Day (Aug 1)
Happiness Happens Day (Aug 8)
Global Sleep Under The Stars Night  (Aug 8)
Be An Angel Day (Aug 22)
Just Because Day (Aug 27)
Nonprofit Day (Aug 17)


Purple Heart Day (Aug 7)
Spirit of ’45 Day (Second Sunday in August)
Navajo Code Talkers Day
Aviation Day (Aug 19)
Park Service Founders Day (Aug 25)
Ride The Wind Day (Aug 23)


WebMistress Day (Aug 26)
Women’s Equality Day (Aug 26)


Grab Some Nuts Day (Aug 3)
Underwear Day (Aug 5)
Water Balloon Day (First Friday in August)
Lazy Day (Aug 10)
Tell a Joke Day (Aug 16)
Sneak Some Zucchini Into Your Neighbor’s Porch Day (Aug 8)
I LOVE My Feet Day! (Aug 17)
Blame Someone Else Day (First Friday the 13th of the year (Aug 13 in 2021))
International Beer Day (First Friday in August)
Beach Day (Aug 30)
Mail Order Catalog Day (Aug 18)


Power Rangers Day (Aug 26)
Book Lovers Day (Aug 9)
Left-Handers Day (Aug 13)

Dog appreciation

Work Like A Dog Day (Aug 5)
Never Bean Better Day (Aug 22)
Dog Day (Aug 26)
Totally irrelevant but nostalgic
International Mahjong Day (Aug 1)


Relaxation Day (Aug 15)
Thoughtful Day  (Aug 28)
Grief Awareness Day (Aug 30)
Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day (Aug 28)


National Dollar Day (Aug 8)
National Thrift Shop Day (Aug 17)

[Lots] more marketing ideas

Here’s our full series of marketing ideas for every month of the year:

15 January Marketing Ideas to Start the New Year with a Bang
20 Fabulous (and Affordable) February Marketing Ideas
30+ Creative and Cost-Friendly March Marketing Ideas
20+ Free April Marketing Ideas to Freshen Up Your Content Calendar
50+ May Marketing Ideas for Any Business or Budget
50+ Free June Marketing Ideas for Sizzlin’ Hot Campaigns
37 Free and Creative July Marketing Ideas (With Examples!)
17+ Free and Creative September Marketing Ideas
21+ Free and Effective October Marketing Ideas
19 Simple Yet Superb November Marketing Ideas (with Examples)
20 Super-Festive December Marketing Ideas

And finally, for a year’s worth of marketing ideas, check out this marketing calendar template from our friends at LOCALiQ.

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What is a Good Ad Copy? (Why Strong Content Matters)

Every effective content marketing starts with good copy.  If you are writing an Ad, you should be able to describe in fewest possible words what you are doing or selling?   Why it is important and most importantly, whey should they bring their business to you?

Effective ad copy is easy to spot. A Good ad copy will have a compelling headline. It will appeal to a desire or curiosity. The objective of the headline is to make readers focus and make them to read the rest of the copy.

Transforming The Way You Promote Content in 6 Steps

  • Article title (Make it Smart)
  • Article URL (Make it relevant)
  • The keywords we are targeting (Exploit Creative Options)
  • Current rankings for those keywords (Check and recheck)
  • Suggestions for supporting article topics (Link within your website)
  • Search suggestions for finding sites that may link to us (Do your homework)

All of these factors contribute to higher Local Search Engine Rankings. Remember at the end of the day, the goal is to make your content relevant to your customers. If you are a small business owner, with roots in the local market for product or service; your goal is to get maximum exposure to the Local SERP.

Social Media Traffic

Social Media

  • How much traffic do you get from social sites?
  • What do they do?
  • Does social sharing drive additional traffic and conversions?
  • How important are the social reports in Google Analytics?

Importance of Social Media Traffic

Social media allows you to have a regular and ongoing engagement with your auidence and it stabilizes your interaction because you have control over how to message to a targeted market yourself.

How important are the social reports in Google Analytics?

The Google Analytics Social Sources Report gives you complete detail of which social media networks are generating traffic for your website. It helps you define and further target your traffic and engage your audience.