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How Brands are achieving Real Digital Transformation

Last Updated on 23 Oct 2021 by SEO Manager

How Brands are achieving real digital Transformation

What makes a successful brand in an era of constant disruption?

It’s one that is ready for volatile markets and massive shifts in consumer behavior, supply chains, and society at large, writes Bethany Poole, senior director of ads marketing at Google. 

But how does one prepare for such a world?

The standard answer has been “digital transformation.”

The pandemic accelerated the digital transformation already underway at many companies. Online sales volume has jumped across all brands and globally.

But a retailer’s Digital Transformation should not be about abandoning the physical stores for an exclusively digital storefront. There should be focus instead on making shopping experiences more inventive and inspirational, both online and offline.

See also  Google BigQuery

But no matter where your business starts, these actions will pay immediate dividends. They’ll help you infuse agility into your plan and create marketing-driven growth for your company’s bottom line, all while future-proofing your business so you’re ready for whatever comes next.

Do you have a plan for Digital Readiness ?

How to Measure Our Success for Local SEO ?

  • SERP (search engine results pages) visibility: this is to check whether how well your website is appearing for the targeted search queries
  • Click-through rate (CTR): this shows your website’s performance within the SERPs.
  • Keyword ranking: this demostrates your website’s rank for targeted keywords necessary for visitor traffic
  • Domain authority (DA): websites with a higher DA perform better

We will setup these metrics before we start and periodically review with you for your success.

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