How Valuable is Your Page? Ask Google!

Last Updated on 6 Jul 2020 by

How Does Google Determine the Value of A Page?

Short answer: By determining how long visitor stays on the page.

Technically speaking: SERP CTR (Search Engine Results Page Click-Through Rate)

What is SERP CTR?  Short answer: It is the page that got viewed because the search engine rendered it to the user.  Google is like a jealous overlord.  If it brings you something, it wants you to enjoy it.  If you do not, it remembers it and will make sure you do not get the same page again (or another person for the same search).

 How can yo make users experience richer?

There are three ways to do this:

• Ensure that the rich snippet page description which appears on the SERPs accurately describes the actual content of the page.
• Make the content of the page available to the visitor as fast as possible. Check the page is fast loading and relevant content is situated “above the fold” (so visitors won’t need to scroll)
• Make content relevant for visitor, not the search engines.


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