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Video Viewers seek out Relatable Content

Last Updated on 27 Oct 2021 by SEO Manager

Video Viewers seek out Relatable Content

As boundaries between public and private narrows, online video viewers seek out relatable content

We have heard many times, content is king. Increasingly, online viewers demand relatable videos. Here are some reasons:

  • During covid times, our homes became offices, virtual schools, and day care centers. Thus, the once clear line between our public and private lives disappeared.
  • People felt less pressure to project unrealistic images of their lives and grew to expect the same of their favorite creators and the content they produced.
  • With so many people making videos themselves, there are new opportunities to “speak the same language” as viewers in ways that make them feel closer and more connected to your art, brand, or passion.
  • Late-night talk shows adapted to the pandemic and many of TV’s biggest stars started to seem like YouTubers, with the numbers to show for it. The Daily Show, an American news satire program, saw its YouTube viewership grow 45% in 2020 versus the year before.
  • Globally, we saw views of chess-related content grow by over 100% in the past year.

The winners in the world of video are those who manage to break the fourth wall and pull audiences in with their relatability.


In a world where the barriers between public and private have collapsed, the winners in the world of video are those who manage to break the fourth wall and pull audiences in with their relatability.

See also  Youtube Marketing: Long-Form Video Content Set to Increase its Market Share [Report]

Source: https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/consumer-insights/consumer-trends/the-future-of-video-viewing/

How to Measure Our Success for Local SEO ?

  • SERP (search engine results pages) visibility: this is to check whether how well your website is appearing for the targeted search queries
  • Click-through rate (CTR): this shows your website’s performance within the SERPs.
  • Keyword ranking: this demostrates your website’s rank for targeted keywords necessary for visitor traffic
  • Domain authority (DA): websites with a higher DA perform better

We will setup these metrics before we start and periodically review with you for your success.

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