Quality Score Google’s X Factor

Google calculates Quality Score every time a search is performed for one of your keywords. Google says the score can affect your ad auction eligibility, your keyword’s cost-per-click, your keyword’s first page bid estimate, your keyword’s top of page bid estimate and your ad position.

Google’s Tanmay Arora posted a big explanation of Google’s “Quality Score sauce” in the AdWords Community forum, offering a bit more perspective (hat tip to Barry Schwartz).

“First, the relevance of a keyword is not entirely determined by its presence on the landing page or the number of times it’s been mentioned on the landing page,” says Arora. “It’s not about how appropriate we find the keyword to the product/landing page but how appropriate the users find it. In other words, the number of users clicking on your ad when they search for that keyword.”

“Second, when we add fresh keywords, initially, they’re awarded a historical Quality Score based on their previous performance on Google.com,” says Arora. “And only once the keyword starts accruing statistics, the system then evaluates its Quality Score based on its recent performance. This doesn’t happen dynamically but is a gradual process.”

Arora talks about one more key ingredient: “We take into account the exact match CTR of the keyword, as it’s a better indicator of the effectiveness of the keyword. (The exact match CTR refers to the number of times the keyword has triggered an ad when the search term exactly matched the keyword.) For example, if our keyword ‘red shoes’ is in broad match, it triggers our ad even for search terms like ‘red shoe’, ‘formal shoes’, ‘horse shoe,’ etc. However, the exact match statistics point out exactly when the keyword ‘red shoes’ triggered our ad and was clicked on by the user when he searched for the exact search term ‘red shoes’.”

There’s plenty more to be said…

“Quality Score is an estimate of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing page are to a person seeing your ad,” Google explains in its AdWords help center. “Having a high Quality Score means that our systems think your ad, keyword, and landing page are all relevant and useful to someone looking at your ad. Having a low Quality Score, on the other hand, means that your ads, keywords, and landing page probably aren’t as relevant and useful to someone looking at your ad.”

“Suppose Sam is looking for a pair of striped socks,” Google says. “And let’s say you own a website that specializes in socks. Wouldn’t it be great if Sam types ‘striped socks’ into Google search, sees your ad about striped socks, clicks your ad, and then lands on your web page where he buys some spiffy new striped socks? In this example, Sam searches and finds exactly what he’s looking for. That’s what we consider a great user experience, and that’s what can earn you a high Quality Score.”

Google says it calculates quality score by looking at your keyword’s past clickthrough rate, your display URL’s past clickthrough rate, your account history (the overall CTR of all ads and keywords in your account), the quality of your landing page, your keyword/ad relevance, geographic performance and your ad’s performance on a site.

Google Chief Economist Hal Varian gives a good explanation of quality score in this video from 2 years ago:

In another help center article, Google discusses how to improve your ad quality by creating “very specific” ad groups, choosing your keywords carefully, including keywords in your ad text, creating simple, “enticing” ads, using strong calls-to-action, testing multiple ads, and regularly reviewing campaign performance.





What Is In A Zipcode? Everything! Google’s AdWords Targeting Can Spin Ads

Google has announced new features in AdWords that aim to help advertisers create ads that are more relevant to local customers and help more local businesses get people to take action on local offers. This is a key area for advertisers, considering more than 20 percent of all searches on Google are related to a location.

ZIP Code Targeting


Google will allow you to tag specific ZIP codes within the U.S… with AdWords Location Targeting. Advertisers can target up to 1,000 ZIP codes within the U.S… at a time.

Eighty-eight percent of smartphone users who search for local information take action within one day, according to Google. Google feels that this will help with customers using direct mail, outdoor ads, and newspapers to be able to target the exact ZIP code areas that you would like to target.

You can drill into the data and measure the performance for your local campaigns by viewing the performance statistics at the ZIP code level.

Location Insertion for Location Extensions

To help easily create a custom ad title, text, display URL, and/or destination URL for all of your locations at scale, Google came out with location insertion for local extensions. You no longer have to create multiple ads for multiple locations. The new feature will automatically insert the city, number, or ZIP code of your local business into the ad.


For example, if your ad text says: “Find a {lb.city:Local} Store or Shop Online,” a user viewing your ad in Chicago would see: “Find a Chicago Store or Shop Online.” This new feature cuts out all the work to building out ad text featuring local information for all your locations.

Google requires you to have location extensions set up and running in order to enable this feature. These new locations will be detected based on the physical location or geographical locations of interest to those viewing your ad.

4 Advanced Location Targeting Changes

Google has also announced four enhancements to advanced location targeting, which launched in March 2011.

  1. Rewording: Language of options has been changed to make them easier to understand.
  2. Show ads to people in a physical location without exception: Now you can select “People in my targeted location.” Previously when you selected “Target using physical location”, ads would show to people in your targeted location unless they were searching for something related to a difference location.
  3. New Display Network location targeting signals: The physical location of the person and the location extracted from the content of the page are now being used as ad targeting signals. Note: the default is to show to people “in” or “viewing pages about” your targeted location.
  4. Avoid getting impressions using exclusion options: To help advertisers avoid getting impressions for excluded locations, “People in, searching for, or viewing pages about my excluded location,” is now the default setting, replacing “Exclude by physical location only.”

Do you like all these features? If you’ve been using these features for a while, leave a comment and tell us how they’re working out and if the advanced targeting options are helping you out!





Misspellings, Singular/Plural, Stemmings, Accents Or Abbreviations – Google Knows Them All

Google announced that in about 30 days from now, the way they handle AdWords match types for exact and phrase based matching will change. Going forward, Google will auto-match for phrase and exact match even for variants including misspellings, singular/plural forms, stemmings, accents and abbreviations.

Why? Google has said that over 7% of all queries contain misspellings. Google also explained that Google’s organic results already do this and they want to make sure the AdWords results do the same. Google added that in early tests it has led to an increase in clicks by 3%.

Here is an example:

Don’t like that Google is doing this? Don’t worry, you can turn it off. Once Google activates this log in to AdWords and select the campaign settings tab. Under “Advanced settings” select Keyword matching options. There will be an option to turn it off there, here is a picture:


YouTube Launches AdWords For Video

YouTube Ads Make Presence!
  • Google is expanding those capabilities to YouTube with its launch Monday of AdWords for Video.
  • As with the Search product, AdWords for Video is self-service.
  • It allows small- and medium-sized businesses to bid on keywords and categories and have their video ads appear in front of some of the 3 billion YouTube videos that get viewed every day.
  • Video Ads were too expensive–to produce as well as to air–for the average mom-and-pop. ads within reach of the masses. s good news for small businesses, because video can be a powerful tool for drumming up interest from potential customers.
  • Video will become increasingly common for smaller businesses.  Other services that will make it easier to buy pre-roll.
  • Google projects that the share of online ad spending going toward video will double this year, from 7. 9% to 15%.
  • And according to Google, 50% of online ad campaigns will include video by 2015.
  • YouTube is planning to expand the service to other platforms, like connected TVs and game boxes. system which only charges advertisers when users actually watch the video, a shift from the classic CPM charge model, which charges per impression.
  • Small businesses need to stretch their ad budgets as far as possible, so providing a service that only charges them when viewers actually watch the ad makes the service increasingly attractive to those buyers.
  • The introduction of AdWords for Video is part of a larger emphasis at Google on small and medium-sized businesses.

AdWords Spells Checks Glore!

Goofle Adword new specll checking will adjust for five different variations in language:

  • Misspellings (“waterprof sunblock” instead of “waterproof sunblock”)
  • Singular/plural forms (“beach balls” and “beach ball”)
  • Stemming (“single serve” and “single serving”)
  • Accents (“hotel” and “hôtel”)
  • Abbreviations (“Dr.” versus “Doctor”)
  • Acronyms (“NYC” versus “New York City”)

Goolge cersndois up to 7 % of saecrh qeeruis ildncue msneglpsliis, and the lneogr the qruey, the more llikey it is to cnoiatn smoe milnsleispg.

Google has been tsnetig the new fiucilntaotny with a few arveetsdirs and says it has seen an agearve of a 3 % rsie in serach ccliks, at cprabaolme CPCs, tohugh the cmnoapy neots panrfocmree will vray by atvdesierr.

The new iftcarnee (in the cmgapain stnitegs tab, uendr Aeacnvdd sigentts selcet Koryewd mihctang oontpis) will be reolld out in the web itrncefae to all aeirsevtrds oevr the nxet cupole of wekes, and it wlil appear in the nxet vrioesn of the API reaseeld letar tihs motnh. By dluefat, mathces will ” Idlnuce palulrs, msispiegnlls and ohetr clsoe viranats ,” but adevsirtres can opt out if tehy ‘ d like fenir cotnrol of tehir keywords.

Can you read this?

PPC, PPC and more PPC

Google Tools

  • The tool allows marketers to enter a query and find contextual matches advertising network PPC ads would be likely to appear.
  • Placement Tools – also in the Tools and Analysis section – makes suggestions about where in the Google ad network PPC ads can be placed.
  • Finding effective sites outside of Google search engine results pages can be a good way to boost ROI. t make sense is also a way to improve. s appearance.
  • Pay-per-click ads need to set realistic expectations so that when a user clicks there are no surprises.
  • This way shoppers know how much the product costs, and will presumably click only when they have genuine interest.

Mobile Up Up & Away!

Mobile Up Up & Away!

Mobile on the Rise!

  • Ad spend on mobiles increased even more, as advertisers increased their mobile search spend (as a portion of search budget as a whole) from 3. 4 to 8. 7 percent.
  • Consultants predicts that mobile will account for 25 percent of all paid search clicks by the end of 2012.
  • They also forecast the global smart mobile market will reach one billion devices in either the first or second quarter of 2013.
  • With mobile commerce sales expected to hit $2.92 trillion in 2020, ecommerce store owners can no longer afford to neglect the importance of having a mobile-optimized online store to attract customers and grow their business.
  • According to a survey conducted in February 2021, nearly half of the respondents stated that on average they spent five to six hours on their phone on a daily basis, not including work-related smartphone use